Perhaps he should have formed his OWN party .. and gotten more than 5% of voters to agree with his platform.
that isn't the point.....historically it is the LAME STREAM MEDIA, that takes it's directions from Gov Almighty on 'selecting' who should be nominated/elected president. I'm not a fan of libertarian-ism. they are fiscally conservative but social liberals. they bloomed in the 60's-70's for obvious reasons....and we are reaping those benefits today. however....oddly there seems to be a push back within this country. folks are rallying around trump...and probably ONLY because they see his GOP party and the LAME STREAM MEDIA trying to push him out. and many folks (obviously) resonate with the Donald. same as they are doing to paul........but paul doesn't have as much support as trump...but he has them just the same and those folks shouldn't be discounted in a so called 'free society'. I don't have a horse in this race cause I ain't voting this is just mho. |