Mayor's wife works for the Gazette Last night vote to name the Gazette as the "official newspaper of the city." And where is the publishing of the list of tax foreclosures in the Gazette? Corrupt mayor violating the ethics of his job, works with his wife to keep the foreclosures OUT of the paper, in order to prevent the names of his TAX DELINQUENT rich political cronies' (metroplex architect Gilmore and his assessment board member taxpayer paid real estate wife, Legere, Marcella, Joe Allen, Proctors employee Piazzo, school board member Hull, to name a few) out of the newspaper, preventing the taxpayers from becoming informed of information they have a right to know as mandated by state law. Excerpt from NEW YORK STATE LAW that MANDATES the mayor publish the foreclosure list:
Quoted Text
§ 1124. Public notice of foreclosure. 1. Upon the filing of a petition of foreclosure in the office of the county clerk, the enforcing officer forthwith shall cause a notice of foreclosure to be published in each of three non-consecutive weeks in a two month period in at least two newspapers designated by him or her. 2. (a) Each newspaper designated for this purpose shall have general circulation in the tax district. An official newspaper of the tax district shall be deemed to satisfy the requirements of this provision.