Marv Cermak, Covering Schenectady
Published 8:15 pm, Monday, October 20, 2014
It went by without press coverage, but for the first time in my memory the Schenectady City Council's annual budget public hearing didn't bring out a single speaker.
I go back to 1969 when it comes to writing about new yearly budgets, so last week's no-show by the taxpayers concerning the 2015 document grabbed my attention.
During my earlier days of reporting, even small property tax increases would attract a dozen or more grumbling residents. If the proposed increase was more than five or so percent, protestors would overflow the council chambers.
This latest $82 million proposed budget calls for a 3 percent tax hike. My guess is property owners don't worry about such chump change tax increases any more. Like most other financial transactions these days, city property owners now can put their taxes on a credit card. So why worry?
When Council President Peggy King announced nobody had signed in to speak at the hearing, council members looked at each other in disbelief.
Councilman Vince Riggi said many residents complain to each other that property taxes are way too high. "Yet none had the gumption to come down and let their feelings be known," Riggi said. "This first ever no show by the public brings apathy in Schenectady to a new high."
He also expressed displeasure that candidates for two council seats in the November election did not sign up to speak.
"I think the hearing is a perfect spot for candidates to offer budget cutting suggestions, but apparently they didn't think so," Riggi said.