This is obviously a "negative fact" but it is the ACTUAL, UNAVOIDABLE, INCONTROVERTIBLE TRUTHThe following is provided to one of the results of the wild uncontrolled spending on downtown and how it is affecting the rest of the city. Since the news is bad, it is time to acknowledge these TRUTHS and start doing something about them. Since the facts prove there is no renaissance in the city, it is time to acknowledge that truth, pass this information around and be squeaky wheels until the leaders in the city/co/plex either hear the people or until they are toosed out of office. The FACT is the city is in free fall from MASSIVELY FALING property values. Since the mayor and his democrat council and administration refuse to perform a citywide reassessment to reduce the assessments to their true and much reduced market value, many property owners grieve their assessments before the Board of Assessment. However, since it is a well known fact that the board members are mere puppets of the mayor and these puppets will do absolutely nothing to reduce the assessments despite tons and tons of proof (i.e., massive falling sale prices of comparable properties), the property owner much then spend time and money to sue the city. Commercial property owners much file certiorari lawsuit against the city. Sometimes residential homeowners will use this process in lieu of SCAR level. Something to note is that some of the lawsuits take some time. For example, a certiorari suit the appears for example in a January 2014 council meeting could actually be a grievance that started in 2011. The owners do indeed get refunds of city taxes, county taxes, and school taxes retroactive to 2011. However cities do not "retroactively correct and republish" past assessment rolls. The first group here reflects decisions made since the final 2013 tax roll AND shows the percentage of reduction between what the city claims the property is worth and what the property owners have successfully proven that their properties are worth. The second group here reflects decisions made since the final 2012 tax Roll and the final 2013 roll AND shows the percentage of reduction between what the city claims the property is worth and what the property owners have successfully proven that their properties are worth.