Pretty soon that number will be $40,000
In MANY neighborhoods it already is this number, and lower!
How about this. In the city of Schenectady you can buy a house for the price of a new car.
And if you buy the house and he new car on the same day, think of this FACT. When you go, perhaps five years later, to trade in your car, you'll get more for your car on a trade in than your house will be worth!!!
And the houses that are selling for under $40,000, they are falling in value too, so if someone purchased a house for $40,000 maybe three years ago, it's only worth about $30,0000 today.
Actually if a house was worth $60,000 on the day before the mayor of BS took over 10 yrs ago, then that same house is worth $30,000 today but the taxes have doubled since then.
And actually, the ACTUAL, UNAVOIDABLE, INCONTROVERTIBLE TRUTH is that the real reason that McC and his dems won't do a citywide reassessment is that it will be too embarrassing for them to have tax bill four times as much as for a house elsewhere.
I mean think of that houe on Glenwood Blvd. The tax BILL is almost $9,000. The city clais that hoiuse is worth $182,000 that us McC and the city's dem leadership insist that house is worth, that is what McC and his assessessor, and his gal Mary Mary on the board of assessment claim the house will sell for.
The asking price has for that house has MASSIVELY FALLEN, down to a paltry $107,000. So figure the house sells for $90,000. And of course taxes under the dems will continue to go up.
How embarrassing it would be for the city of Schenectady to have houses worth $90,000 with tax bills of $10,000. But that IS what WILL happen if the dems reassess. that that is why they won't reassess.
How very embarrassing it will be for McC and his dem leadership to have houses worth $50,000 with tax bills equivalent to houses that are worth $200,000 outside of Schenectady, particularly outside of Schdy county.
It will just be more proof positive that the wild uncontrolled spending of taxpayers' money on downtown is not improving the city in the least.