And taxes were half of what they are now.
Doubling taxes on homeowners to attract and subsidize the rich is not economic development, it is thievery.
And DV won't even touch that comment. DV knows he's wrong, he gets an orgasm every time he posts his babble. DV won't provide one teeny weeny shred of proof of what he writes. Claims so much economic development but RERUSES to address the few meager jobs are low wage. Yes, there are new or renovated buildings but REFUSES to address the FACT that these development projects have caused many homeowners to lose their homes under the excruciating crushing burden of paying the taxes while the beneficiaries of the tax dollars were multimillionaires before even coming to Schenectady, and the dems have greatly fattened the bank accounts of these developers at the expense of the homeowners. DV REFSUES to address the FACT that all this "development" has caused a MASSIVE RECORD DROP in the city's tax base. But what can one expect from a 50+ year old man who is unable to support himself, doesn't live like a normal adult man, he hasn't left the nest yet, he knows absolutely nothing about taxes, property values, etc. Even his party won't give him a job on which he can leave the next and support himself, that's how much of a failure he is. |