Look on page 27 about City Indebtedness the city is NOT to give or loan any money or property or private undertaking to any individual or private corporation
Also did you know the city has to pay Troy $100,000 a year from the "home grant" beginning in 2016? That's on page 90.
I just found out about another homeowner in my neighborhood who is worried about losing his house. Yet, the city will pick his pocket for the benefit of a bunch of greedy hogs who, for the most part, don't even live here.
Does anyone know about the money owed for that public works bldg.? Have we paid anything on that loan?
Zero on the principle-minimum interest only payments. Another issue where Vince Riggi has been right from the beginning. Schenectady is going to a State Control Board like Troy did. Total dereliction of duty.
Asmat wanted to make some payments on the principal, she claimed, so the people making the money decisions were basing them on zero financial knowledge.
With the exception of General Electric, the largest employers located in the City of Schene ctady are government agencies and health care and education sector employers. There are six economic development organizations and nu merous programs serving the City of Schenectady. After adjusting for inflation, median incomes in the City ha ve decreased during the past decade. The median household income declined 10.1%, while the median family income decreased 10.8%. Community Profile
28 More than two-thirds of City residents are low and moderate income. Incomes have not kept pace with inflation. More residents are living below the poverty line than ever before. Approximately 18.8% of City residents were employed in the heal th care and social services industries in 2000 followed by retail trade (13.4%), educational services (9.6%) and public administration (9.0%). Retail trends for the City of Schenectady over the last thre e Economic Census in 1992, 1997 and 2002 show a decline in all metrics including number of retail establishments, total sales, sales per store and number employed.