Realize also, bt, that anything in print tends to be skewed to the extent in can possibly be, that is, they try to make it look better on the seller side. They still get a few dupes buying at closer to 'bubble' prices because they think it's a good-sounding price and they haven't done their homework. That's their business what they want to pay, but if a few houses sell to a few dupes, it makes the market look better than it is, from the point of view of those who want the prices to be high. This is what McCarthy and co. were trying to pull off. It's worse than it looks. I know prospective homebuyers who reached the same conclusion about Colonie, at least homebuyers who have to be very concerned about money. A surprising number aren't. Thinking about it just now, what that realtor and McCheese have been attempting to do is unethical. I already felt that way about it, but now I'm convinced. Since they both hold positions of public trust, they should be holding themselves to a high standard, or at least holding themselves to a standard. |