Ironic how Galesi has a shotty DSS building and will now create more housing (using 1/2 million from the City's HUD grant) to create yet ANOTHER shotty building to house said recepients.Must be nice to be McCarthy and Gillen ..I mean you must either be drinking heavily or be totally clueless to keep giving Galesi millions just so he can keep building to expand his ghetto.
Shh... don't talk about that. What is needed on Nott is another governmental gin mill. Forget about Section 8 housing or condos no one wants because of the insane DEM taxes. BT Saratoga has a REP Mayor and REP County majority. It's more than the track and Abu Dhubai. It's called a two party system and checks and balances. Here's how to start the turnaround. Re-elect no one to County/City offices. Clean out City Hall paper pushers and CUT TAXES. Use Metrograft money for property tax relief only. Then watch the resale market improve, resale values rise, and private investors investing their own money in Schenectady County. Instead the taxpayers funding nonprofits that take property permanently off the tax rolls for the "arts". After 12 years of Metrograft still not one store Downtown. |