Plans for museum take off Schenectady Museum to transform into space, science education center By Scott Waldman Updated 11:03 p.m., Monday, July 16, 2012
SCHENECTADY — The Schenectady Museum is being transformed into a regional science center that will draw students from 19 counties.
The museum, which eventually will change its name, is in the process of installing a Challenger Learning Center that will expose visitors to the space program. It also has entered into a partnership with a San Francisco children's museum to bring a rotating crop of exhibits every year. The rotating exhibit, in partnership with the Exploratorium in California, will take up 3,500 square feet and will be open by October. The Challenger program, which will immerse students in a two-month effort that will culminate with a project on NASA-like equipment, is scheduled to open in January.
The museum will be geared toward students in kindergarten through eighth grade and will provide hands-on learning in science, technology, engineering and math, or STEM fields, that they don't normally receive before high school.
"They are going to have a chance to fulfill 21st-century skills our students need, and they're going to be doing it right here in Schenectady," said Charles Dedrick, district superintendent of the Capital Region BOCES...................>>>>.....................>>>>...........Read more: