Rotterdam FOILs redacted...... an attorney must read it before it is handed out to the person who
requested it.......in other words, by blacking out certain words and names....there is no comprehension of what the FOIL concludes
or means....t....therefore, it will take more than 5 days. (time frame for Rotterdam as stated to an individual)
Waiting is a problem especially if the FOIL is going to be redacted....
The TC has privy to all this information....therefore, when the person requesting the FOIL , receives it, it presents
a false sense of information......and at the dscression of the TC and the attorney....
Is this legal ???.....once one foils, doesn't that person have a right to ALL information and not just selected
words/names..???? Civil rights are violated if the FOIL does not give one the true information as requested....????
Conspiracy..... coercion.....what do you call it???
In closing, there doesn't seem to be a problem to publicize information wher it hits in the pockets of the taxpayers.... |