We may want to see what Saratoga County is Doing. The main thing I see here is the importance of the box box stores to Schenectady County. The Walmart and Lowes....We canabalized Albany County. Saratoga is seeing the best of both words, residentially and in Sales Tax Growth...
Schenectady County Annual State Tax Base Selling Industry Totals ($000) 3/98 - 2/99 3/09 - 2/10 % Change $ Change Utilities (excluding residential energy) - $36,366 $28,648 -21.2% -7,718 Construction - 27,848 37,409 34.3% 9,561 Manufacturing - 28,486 37,812 32.7% 9,326 Wholesale Trade - 167,821 170,363 1.5% 2,542 Retail Trade Total - 762,103 846,152 11.0% 84,049 Motor Vehicles and Parts - 226,212 258,722 14.4% 32,510 Furniture and Home Furnishings - 21,324 25,219 18.3% 3,895 Electronics and Appliances - 21,977 17,532 -20.2% -4,445 Building Materials and Garden Equipment - 77,503 101,126 30.5% 23,623 Food and Beverage - 79,082 84,770 7.2% 5,687 Health and Personal Care - 20,946 23,687 13.1% 2,741 Gasoline Stations - 70,942 65,940 -7.1% -5,002 Clothing (excluding local sales) - 38,451 20,414 -46.9% -18,037 Sporting Goods, Hobby, Book and Music Stores - 23,925 15,504 -35.2% -8,421 General Merchandise - 124,411 161,520 29.8% 37,109 Miscellaneous Retail - 42,097 40,679 -3.4% -1,418 Nonstore Retail - 15,232 31,038 103.8% 15,806 Information - 79,944 118,914 48.7% 38,970 Professional, Scientific, and Technical - 27,929 17,595 -37.0% -10,334 Administrative/Support Services - 28,517 43,734 53.4% 15,217 Health Care - 2,978 2,284 -23.3% -694 Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation - 5,752 6,576 14.3% 824 Accommodation and Food Services - 91,012 149,351 64.1% 58,339 Personal and Laundry Services - 3,955 3,473 -12.2% -481 All Other Services - 7,880 2,808 -64.4% -5,072 Repair and Maintenance - 0 47,522 -------- 47,522 Ag., Mining, Trans., FIRE, Educ., Govt. - 59,671 52,568 -11.9% -7,104 Unclassified by Industry - 7,884 4,962 -37.1% -2,922 Grand Total - $1,358,770 $1,570,171 15.6% 211,401
Albany County Annual State Tax Base Selling Industry Totals ($000) 3/98 - 2/99 3/09 - 2/10 % Change $ Change Utilities (excluding residential energy) - $131,917 $105,577 -20.0% -26,339 Construction - 78,360 101,600 29.7% 23,240 Manufacturing - 97,768 126,781 29.7% 29,013 Wholesale Trade - 412,445 442,925 7.4% 30,480 Retail Trade Total - 2,127,005 2,186,597 2.8% 59,591 Motor Vehicles and Parts - 441,946 534,972 21.0% 93,027 Furniture and Home Furnishings - 118,640 114,940 -3.1% -3,700 Electronics and Appliances - 83,305 49,478 -40.6% -33,827 Building Materials and Garden Equipment - 171,811 233,356 35.8% 61,545 Food and Beverage - 167,273 217,068 29.8% 49,794 Health and Personal Care - 45,532 65,323 43.5% 19,791 Gasoline Stations - 103,118 114,551 11.1% 11,433 Clothing (excluding local sales) - 229,845 110,183 -52.1% -119,662 Sporting Goods, Hobby, Book and Music Stores - 137,288 118,388 -13.8% -18,899 General Merchandise - 429,592 408,974 -4.8% -20,617 Miscellaneous Retail - 166,388 135,991 -18.3% -30,397 Nonstore Retail - 32,268 83,372 158.4% 51,104 Information - 253,516 252,980 -0.2% -536 Professional, Scientific, and Technical - 50,921 94,357 85.3% 43,436 Administrative/Support Services - 87,530 126,298 44.3% 38,768 Health Care - 6,622 10,262 55.0% 3,640 Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation - 29,526 26,174 -11.4% -3,352 Accommodation and Food Services - 399,810 641,848 60.5% 242,039 Personal and Laundry Services - 14,560 24,184 66.1% 9,624 All Other Services - 21,686 10,708 -50.6% -10,978 Repair and Maintenance - 0 119,496 -------- 119,496 Ag., Mining, Trans., FIRE, Educ., Govt. - 255,665 215,303 -15.8% -40,362 Unclassified by Industry - 16,909 20,302 20.1% 3,393 Grand Total - $4,059,398 $4,505,393 11.0% 445,995
Saratoga County Annual State Tax Base Selling Industry Totals ($000) 3/98 - 2/99 3/09 - 2/10 % Change $ Change Utilities (excluding residential energy) - $43,804 $52,589 20.1% 8,785 Construction - 34,181 60,601 77.3% 26,420 Manufacturing - 40,800 67,806 66.2% 27,006 Wholesale Trade - 153,206 182,134 18.9% 28,928 Retail Trade Total - 1,087,783 1,502,280 38.1% 414,497 Motor Vehicles and Parts - 331,552 403,220 21.6% 71,669 Furniture and Home Furnishings - 42,450 49,858 17.5% 7,408 Electronics and Appliances - 21,230 21,941 3.4% 711 Building Materials and Garden Equipment - 120,888 222,090 83.7% 101,203 Food and Beverage - 108,170 145,675 34.7% 37,505 Health and Personal Care - 18,832 38,018 101.9% 19,186 Gasoline Stations - 81,102 105,260 29.8% 24,158 Clothing (excluding local sales) - 49,845 44,611 -10.5% -5,234 Sporting Goods, Hobby, Book and Music Stores - 39,652 56,903 43.5% 17,251 General Merchandise - 173,148 272,716 57.5% 99,568 Miscellaneous Retail - 72,018 82,932 15.2% 10,914 Nonstore Retail - 28,896 59,054 104.4% 30,158 Information - 86,787 135,784 56.5% 48,997 Professional, Scientific, and Technical - 13,735 25,770 87.6% 12,036 Administrative/Support Services - 40,642 75,244 85.1% 34,602 Health Care - 831 2,106 153.4% 1,275 Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation - 15,499 32,268 108.2% 16,769 Accommodation and Food Services - 174,741 359,133 105.5% 184,391 Personal and Laundry Services - 4,847 11,266 132.4% 6,419 All Other Services - 6,305 1,498 -76.2% -4,807 Repair and Maintenance - 0 71,929 -------- 71,929 Ag., Mining, Trans., FIRE, Educ., Govt. - 79,510 101,020 27.1% 21,511 Unclassified by Industry - 10,556 16,547 56.8% 5,991 Grand Total - $1,830,733 $2,697,974 47.4% 867,241
Life is tough, but it's tougher when you're stupid - John Wayne
TIP TO NEW VISITORS TO THIS FORUM - To improve your blogging pleasure it is recommended to ignore (Through editing your prefere) the posts of the following bloggers - DemocraticVoiceofReason, Scotsgod08 and Smoking Bananas. They continually go off topic, do not provide facts and make irrational remarks. If you do not believe me, this can be proven by their reputation scores or by a sampling of their posts.
2010 2000 % Change Schenectady County Sales Tax Collected $82,304,702 $33,521,226 145.00% Sales Tax Distribution to City From County $11,050,000 $10,999,608 0.50%
2010 2000 % Change County Real Property Taxes $63,583,228 $42,323,271 50% City Real Property Taxes $25,536,240 $15,703,736 63%
2010 2000 $ Change County Total Debt Outstanding at End of FY $57,714,665 $38,252,000 $19,462,665 City Total Debt Outstanding at End of FY $95,999,672 $65,619,263 $30,380,409
Life is tough, but it's tougher when you're stupid - John Wayne
TIP TO NEW VISITORS TO THIS FORUM - To improve your blogging pleasure it is recommended to ignore (Through editing your prefere) the posts of the following bloggers - DemocraticVoiceofReason, Scotsgod08 and Smoking Bananas. They continually go off topic, do not provide facts and make irrational remarks. If you do not believe me, this can be proven by their reputation scores or by a sampling of their posts.
STATE taxes on gas total 47.3cents PER GALLON ... ranking NY #2 in the country, just below california (#1) at 47.7cents per gallon. This does not, I do not believe, any COUNTY sales tax - which varies by county.
How much of a JERK are you?????? The taxpayers are ROBBED of more of their money by being FORCED to pay a HIGHER sales tax. On top of that, the homeowners are ROBBED of their hard earned money by being FORCED to pay not only their own property and school taxes but also the property and school taxes of the well-heeled dem crony property owners downtown!
And tell us, DV, WHAT benefit has it been to the city?????
Homeowners pay almost the highest taxes in the whole dang USA !!!!
The work of Metroplex has NOT, and I repeat NOT, and I repeat again, has NOT resulted in ANY INCREASE to the TAXABLE tax base in the city. Quite the opposite. The TAXABLE tax base has PLUMETTED BIG TIME. And this DRASTIC REDUCTION in the TAXABLE tax base has resulted in homeowners suffering financially to the point that they CANNOT sell their homes.So tell us, DV, explain HOW Metroplex has helped property values and taxes for the homeowners in the city. Explain HOW they are better off now than before??????
Metrograft has caused City resale properties values to tank because of the DOUBLE WHAMMY. The City gets ZERO in pass through money while Metrograft morons take dozens of Downtown properties off the tax rolls. Add in exploding County taxes which are 4X Saratoga County. Pre-new County Home. Then idiotic DSIC taxes on merchants Downtown and you understand why City foreclosures are at depression levels and for sale signs are all over. It's the record taxes-stupid! This is also called renaissance by the brain dead.
Gas Revenue is down through 2010. Not sure what there is for 2011. I would bet that the majority of the bump from 2010 to 2011 in this county is due to Irene and Big Box like Lowes.
Schenectady County Annual State Tax Base Industry Totals ($000) 3/05 - 2/06 3/06 - 2/07 3/07 - 2/08 3/08 - 2/09 3/09 - 2/10 Utilities (excluding residential energy) - $46,915 $36,350 $39,721 $37,565 $28,648 Construction - 30,416 31,722 35,717 35,823 37,409 Manufacturing - 38,460 41,777 42,430 46,990 37,812 Wholesale Trade - 223,549 197,199 168,285 187,123 170,363 Retail Trade Total - 1,057,657 883,751 863,760 862,902 846,152 Motor Vehicles and Parts - 296,710 271,613 279,405 264,996 258,722 Furniture and Home Furnishings - 27,949 28,854 25,082 25,876 25,219 Electronics and Appliances - 21,440 18,628 19,628 17,988 17,532 Building Materials and Garden Equipment - 124,021 117,199 115,958 111,577 101,126 Food and Beverage - 86,948 81,731 84,534 83,942 84,770 Health and Personal Care - 23,985 23,621 25,740 30,582 23,687 Gasoline Stations - 146,010 75,311 50,412 57,947 65,940 Clothing (excluding local sales) - 54,919 25,746 22,720 20,474 20,414 Sporting Goods, Hobby, Book and Music Stores - 21,138 18,390 18,283 16,910 15,504 General Merchandise - 189,743 157,448 157,328 160,264 161,520 Miscellaneous Retail - 38,815 41,751 42,565 41,868 40,679 Nonstore Retail - 25,978 23,458 22,106 30,479 31,038 Information - 117,150 105,343 133,913 132,950 118,914 Professional, Scientific, and Technical - 30,275 26,117 29,600 36,581 17,595 Administrative/Support Services - 43,179 42,849 41,733 45,727 43,734 Health Care - 1,703 1,792 2,340 1,664 2,284 Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation - 7,960 6,980 7,167 6,455 6,576 Accommodation and Food Services - 120,968 127,188 136,649 147,729 149,351 Food Services - 113,786 120,360 129,967 137,622 139,516 Accommodation - 7,181 6,828 6,682 10,107 9,835 Other Services Total - 52,996 51,323 51,087 51,838 53,804 Repair and Maintenance - 47,000 45,052 44,216 45,778 47,522 Personal and Laundry Services - 2,726 3,772 4,257 3,181 3,473 All Other Services - 3,270 2,499 2,614 2,879 2,808 Ag., Mining, Trans., FIRE, Educ., Govt. - 54,357 55,680 58,370 56,392 52,568 Unclassified by Industry - 16,534 12,130 13,951 3,943 4,962 Grand Total - $1,842,118 $1,620,200 $1,624,722 $1,653,683 $1,570,171
Life is tough, but it's tougher when you're stupid - John Wayne
TIP TO NEW VISITORS TO THIS FORUM - To improve your blogging pleasure it is recommended to ignore (Through editing your prefere) the posts of the following bloggers - DemocraticVoiceofReason, Scotsgod08 and Smoking Bananas. They continually go off topic, do not provide facts and make irrational remarks. If you do not believe me, this can be proven by their reputation scores or by a sampling of their posts.
I agree with you. Generators were flying off the shelves after the hurricane. And the businesses are just starting to get them back in. Some folks are just getting their insurance/fema money now. So sales should rise some again.
On the flip side..................snow removal/shovels/plows/salt etc............haven't moved for obvious reasons. Nor has sub-zero winter clothes.
When the INSANE are running the ASYLUM In individuals, insanity is rare; but in groups, parties, nations and epochs, it is the rule. -- Friedrich Nietzsche
“How fortunate for those in power that people never think.” Adolph Hitler
I agree with you. Generators were flying off the shelves after the hurricane. And the businesses are just starting to get them back in. Some folks are just getting their insurance/fema money now. So sales should rise some again.
On the flip side..................snow removal/shovels/plows/salt etc............haven't moved for obvious reasons. Nor has sub-zero winter clothes.
On the flip side of that See more people doing renovations on their house that they would normally be doing in the spring so that might be more than the snow removal ect....
Life is tough, but it's tougher when you're stupid - John Wayne
TIP TO NEW VISITORS TO THIS FORUM - To improve your blogging pleasure it is recommended to ignore (Through editing your prefere) the posts of the following bloggers - DemocraticVoiceofReason, Scotsgod08 and Smoking Bananas. They continually go off topic, do not provide facts and make irrational remarks. If you do not believe me, this can be proven by their reputation scores or by a sampling of their posts.
I agree with you. Generators were flying off the shelves after the hurricane. And the businesses are just starting to get them back in. Some folks are just getting their insurance/fema money now. So sales should rise some again.
On the flip side..................snow removal/shovels/plows/salt etc............haven't moved for obvious reasons. Nor has sub-zero winter clothes.
On the flip side of that See more people doing renovations on their house that they would normally be doing in the spring so that might be more than the snow removal ect....
Life is tough, but it's tougher when you're stupid - John Wayne
TIP TO NEW VISITORS TO THIS FORUM - To improve your blogging pleasure it is recommended to ignore (Through editing your prefere) the posts of the following bloggers - DemocraticVoiceofReason, Scotsgod08 and Smoking Bananas. They continually go off topic, do not provide facts and make irrational remarks. If you do not believe me, this can be proven by their reputation scores or by a sampling of their posts.
I see the monkey is screaming and running around his/her cage in the attic again.
George Amedore & Christian Klueg for NYS Senate 2016 Pete Vroman for State Assembly 2016[/size][/color]
"For this is what America is all about. It is the uncrossed desert and the unclimbed ridge. It is the star that is not reached and the harvest that is sleeping in the unplowed ground." Lyndon Baines Johnson
I see the monkey is screaming and running around his/her cage in the attic again.
Of course, Here goes DV with his babble babble babble. He CANNOT provide a response.
DV says Metroplex has been great benefit for the city, but when asked to explain his statement, he TOTALLY REFUSES.
When the UNDISPUTABLE UNDENIABLE TRUTHS, THE FACTS are put RIGHT IN FRONT OF HIS EYES IN BLACK AND WHITE, he ABSOUTELLY REFUSES to speak on the issue. Instead he types nonsense babble or spews obscenities (very becoming of an alleged Catholic)
He NEVER speaks to the statement that under Metroplex the taxes are going way up while the TAXABLE tax base is going way down and property values are tanking big time. He CANNOT provide one shred of proof NOT ONE, NOT EVEN ONE, TEENY WEENY LITTLE SHRED OF PROOF that the taxable tax base is getting better or that life and finances for the taxpayers is getting better.
Optimists close their eyes and pretend problems are non existent. Better to have open eyes, see the truths, acknowledge the negatives, and speak up for the people rather than the politicos and their rich cronies.
I will admit that Metroplex is NOT the greatest thing to happen to Schenectady County ----- it ranks THIRD just behind the Democrats taking control of the County Legislature and their brilliant decision to hire Ray Gillen to head up Economic Development.
George Amedore & Christian Klueg for NYS Senate 2016 Pete Vroman for State Assembly 2016[/size][/color]
"For this is what America is all about. It is the uncrossed desert and the unclimbed ridge. It is the star that is not reached and the harvest that is sleeping in the unplowed ground." Lyndon Baines Johnson
I will admit that Metroplex is NOT the greatest thing to happen to Schenectady County ----- it ranks THIRD just behind the Democrats taking control of the County Legislature and their brilliant decision to hire Ray Gillen to head up Economic Development.
METROPLEX is great for anyone living outside the city.
Life is tough, but it's tougher when you're stupid - John Wayne
TIP TO NEW VISITORS TO THIS FORUM - To improve your blogging pleasure it is recommended to ignore (Through editing your prefere) the posts of the following bloggers - DemocraticVoiceofReason, Scotsgod08 and Smoking Bananas. They continually go off topic, do not provide facts and make irrational remarks. If you do not believe me, this can be proven by their reputation scores or by a sampling of their posts.
I will admit that Metroplex is NOT the greatest thing to happen to Schenectady County.
Finally something from DVOR that makes sense. Metrograft is the worst thing to happen to this pathetic County. It started with good intentions and ended with a pile of debt. Metrograft is a complete failure, a taxpayer rip off, as noted by two separate horrible State audits. Keep going Gov Cuomo and dissolve these 7 do nothing taxpayer black holes. As far as Death Ray just wait. The MSM is on him like white on rice. All the the chickens are coming home to roost. Saratoga County has retail Downtown and the lowest property/sales taxes in the State. The State has to widen the Rexford Bridge to accommodate fleeing Schenectady County workers. Pass the salted popcorn!