You fat fu(k piece of sh!t have you ever seen an interview bro? You ask questions over again it's how it works... I'd like to see you do an interview on tv hahahaha.... I'm sure you'd have a lot of viewers....
Once again March criticizes everyone yet doesn't stand up and do GOD DAMN THING HIMSELF!!!! He even said on here that he was asked to run for office and he didn't run!!!! He had the oportunity..but apparently this buffoon would rather criticize people than actually do anything himself HAHAHAHHAHA
Yes, I have seen interviews before, and they usually ask questions once. That is, they don't continue asking the same thing over and over. Now, before I saw your crazy remarks above, I finished watching the video (which I actually posted my previous comment during, and decided that it should be deleted, so I have).
I wanted to come back and change my mind on what I posted. I think this is a great idea, although the only real thing that I disagree with in this is that you need to have a licensed professional as part of the team, but I guess that should be given a certain amount of room, since this is actually sponsored by the AIA.
I appreciate that Price Chopper is stepping up to do this type of event in this area.
Here is a direct link to the information, since I tried to put in what was noted in the video and it gave me an error, so I found the full address... far as the criticism of myself, I'll just let that roll off my back, as you have no clue what it is I do, nor do you have a clue of any of the reasons behind any of what I do. Maybe it's just that I didn't think that right now was the appropriate time and I wouldn't be able to give my all in that type of position, but all you want to do is call names and criticize from behind a mask of a screen name, so why don't you just come out of hiding, or continue to act as the elementary school bully you are (actually, even elementary school bullies let you know who they are, so I guess you're not that high up on the evolutionary chain).