It's just the way the two party system holds the electorate hostage. They would like you to believe that you only have the choices that the two party system presents.
The electorate is apparently not satisfied with the two party system that has failed them. Times are-a-changin'.
Nobody is holding the electorate hostage..they are a product of their own complacent behavior where voting is concerned...they are the reason term limits has become a household word...the electorate was supposed to be the mechanism for those term limits...not legislation to impose them. Assuming that by 'two party system' you mean the two major Parties, I don't know how you can make such a statement unless you've never seen an election Party has endorsed their own candidates for different state elections when they felt that neither of the two major Party candidates were conservative (of course this only happens because the so-called leaders of the local CP have nothing to say about it or there would be Democrats all over the CP line in races outside the county, too!)...we've seen Libertarian candidates...Green...and a host of other "Independent" lines bearing the names of all sorts of candidates.
If the electorate has come as far as you're suggesting...they are tired of the 'two party' system...then Row Z candidates would win on those lines alone...but they never do.
BTW, NYS is the only state that still allows Parties to cross endorses anywhere else you would always see different candidates on every ballot line.
My first guess would be that the dems and cons wouldn't give her the endorsement anyway. It would go to buffardi. So the rep party would be her only opportunity. And that would only give her one line.
Your first guess is wrong...that's why you should stop guessing.
BTW, NYS is the only state that still allows Parties to cross endorses anywhere else you would always see different candidates on every ballot line.
that's to keep it in the familia.....Chicago or NY....Valentine's Day???? hhhhmmmmm.....OH YEAH,,,WE NEED SPOILERS LIKE WE NEED AIR... are a product of your environment, your environment is a product of your priorities, your priorities are a product of you......
The replacement of morality and conscience with law produces a deadly paradox.
All she wanted to do is serve...that why the conveniently self-defined labels you use were not a factor in her decision to run...she just happens to be a Conservative who is conservative.
She just happen to be a Conservative? You make it sound like she tripped over Surely as a Republican legislator, ND didn't switch to the Conservative Party because it was more principled and aligned with her conservative ideology. She must have know it was bought and paid for by the cops....BTW, why did she switch parties in the first place?
Despite ND's resistance, the Democrats still approached her again...telling her they wanted her to "carry their Board" slate...because they know she is obviously very electable.... - lol.
Then why isn't she grabbing the endorsement? She accepted the endorsement last election, why the change of heart? Why would she be willing to go back to the party that helped fund and volunteered for her as a Republican legislator, after defecting then running as a Democrat endorsed Conservative against those same people? If the Rotterdam Republican Committee is seeking out ND, they are a bigger bunch of suckers than I thought.
You know the ole saying - fool me once fu(k you, fool me twice fu(k me.
She just happen to be a Conservative? You make it sound like she tripped over Surely as a Republican legislator, ND didn't switch to the Conservative Party because it was more principled and aligned with her conservative ideology. She must have know it was bought and paid for by the cops....BTW, why did she switch parties in the first place?
Then why isn't she grabbing the endorsement? She accepted the endorsement last election, why the change of heart? Why would she be willing to go back to the party that helped fund and volunteered for her as a Republican legislator, after defecting then running as a Democrat endorsed Conservative against those same people? If the Rotterdam Republican Committee is seeking out ND, they are a bigger bunch of suckers than I thought.
You know the ole saying - fool me once fu(k you, fool me twice fu(k me.
Yeah Cissy....she just happens to be a I just happen to be conservative...and BM just happens to be a conservative...we can't help just happened that way!
You [wrongfully] claim that ND is bought and paid for by the cops and then literally in the same sentence you ask why she switched? If you had any valid basis for that claim you wouldn't have to ask why...but then, you have built your entire argument on baseless claims, twisted words, and your own convenient definitions of everything....and now you're asking the same questions all over again that I have already answered.
Your assertions tell me that you have been fooled a lot more than twice...which would make you the sucker.
You [wrongfully] claim that ND is bought and paid for by the cops and then literally in the same sentence you ask why she switched?
No, I said ND was a registered Republican, THEN she switch to the Conservative Party, and she switch to the Party knowing THE CONSERVATIVE PARTY was bought and paid for by the Cops. Why did she leave the Republican Party to join the Copservative Party? I think BM left the Conservative Party after 20 years because he realized it was the Copservative Party endorsed Democrats more times than not. Two polar opposite parties by modern definition.
No, I said ND was a registered Republican, THEN she switch to the Conservative Party, and she switch to the Party knowing THE CONSERVATIVE PARTY was bought and paid for by the Cops. Why did she leave the Republican Party to join the Copservative Party? I think BM left the Conservative Party after 20 years because he realized it was the Copservative Party endorsed Democrats more times than not. Two polar opposite parties by modern definition.
BM switched to Republican to "push the Republican Party to the right"...yes, those are his own words...I asked him should do the same with ND...and BM for that are obviously assuming his motives too.
Liberals and conservatives are polar opposites...and each of the major Parties contain both....but thanks for your "modern definitions" of everything....
If you people were liberals, you wouldn't be having this conversation BECAUSE YOU WOULD KNOW ALL THERE IS ROOM FOR ALL PEOPLE AND EVERY WAY OF LIFE IN YOU SMALL WORLD.