This is more crapola to pretend the City budget is balanced. Nothing more. Like adding in $2 MILLION in delinquent property taxes that will never be paid. These DEMS have cobbed together a budget that is a total disgrace. It's nowhere close to being balanced. Where is one politician to honestly say that this budget is a farce and a disgrace? This health insurance savings will never materialize even if the City wins in court. {Doubtful} The problem is fiscal incompetence in the finance department, Mayor's Office and all DEM City Council. Not one of them has ever run a business or met a payroll. This is what happens when you run SCCC employees, retired State pensioners, a retired art teacher and lob who answered the phone in Patterson's office-not a business owner in the lot. 35 years of DEM "leadership" has caught up with them. No one to pass the buck to. Run on your pathetic record of destroying the City. |