I know that this should probably go under the "The Gazette doesn't check it's facts" link, but I wanted to correct this. The phone number listed above (202-225-3121) is not the phone number for the Senate / House switchboard. The actual number is 202-224-3121. Subtle difference, but I'm sure it does make a difference.
Here's all the phone numbers for the local offices.
Mike McNulty (202) 225-5076 (Washington D.C.) (518) 465-0700 (Albany) (518) 374-4547 (Schenectady) (518) 271-0822 (Troy) (518) 843-3400 (Amsterdam) (518) 762-3568 (Johnstown)
Hillary Clinton (202) 224-4451 (Washington, D.C.) (518) 431-0120 (Albany) (585) 263-6250 (Rochester) (716) 854-9725 (Buffalo) (845) 613-0076 (Nyack) (631) 249-2825 (Long Island) (315) 448-0470 (Syracuse) (212) 688-6262 (New York City) (914) 725-9294 (Westchester) (315) 376-6118 (Lowville, North Country)
Chuck Schumer 202-224-6542 (Washington, D.C.) 518-431-4070 (Albany) 607-772-6792 (Binghamton) 631-753-0978 (Long Island) 315-423-5471 (Syracuse) 212-486-7693 (New York City) 716-846-4111 (Buffalo) 914-734-1532 (Peekskill) 585-263-5866 (Rochester) |