Hopefully with the new leadership soon to take control of the Conservative Party, they can stop whoring the party line to Democrats and Republican, and run a candidate themselves.
The Conservative Party should tap into Tom Golisano's Responsible New York political action committee. He offers $5 million to those candidates around New York State, who are willing to fight for Responsible New York’s eight reform objectives: keeping the state budget below the rate of inflation; ending unfunded mandates; reforming property taxes; changing campaign and election laws; reducing public employees’ compensation packages; redistributing economic development aid; increasing government transparency; and ending “back door borrowing
I'm sure he would help fund a Conservative candidate of the likes of those retaking the Schenectady County Conservative Party. It woud be silly not to inquire.
Many Conservatives are public employees, so I don't see the Conservative Party fighting to reduce public employees' benefits. For 5 Million- I will fight for whatever objectives he wants.
Many Conservatives are public employees, so I don't see the Conservative Party fighting to reduce public employees' benefits. For 5 Million- I will fight for whatever objectives he wants.
Precisely why public employee unions should not running political parties or their Committees. Fortunately, MOST Conservatives are not public employee "plants". Anything for 5 million, huh? Spoken like a true whore.
Many Conservatives are public employees, so I don't see the Conservative Party fighting to reduce public employees' benefits. For 5 Million- I will fight for whatever objectives he wants.
Are you saying you can be bought for the right price?
Could someone please pass the popcorn......I need to get another beer too......As for this wonderful States version of 'true' employment #'s-----sh*t! I can't afford them anymore.....and the sad part is they couldn't afford me either.......but, they dont deserve anything more than myself.....unless God says so......deserve---what a funny word.....
Quoted Text
Main Entry: de·serve Pronunciation: \di-ˈzərv\ Function: verb Inflected Form(s): de·served; de·serv·ing Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French deservir, from Latin deservire to devote oneself to, from de- + servire to serve Date: 13th century transitive verb : to be worthy of : merit intransitive verb : to be worthy, fit, or suitable for some reward or requital — de·serv·er noun
...you are a product of your environment, your environment is a product of your priorities, your priorities are a product of you......
The replacement of morality and conscience with law produces a deadly paradox.
1.) It sure took you a long time to make that claim. 2.) Already addressed - see previous post. 3.) None of your business. Who pays your private bills, and how much are they? 4.) The candidates I supported are not supposed to benefit the Conservative Party, they are supposed to reflect our conservative values, as indicated in the very name of the party. They are supposed to benefit ALL of the residents in their political unit. 5.) That is a matter of opinion. Still, NOT ONE SINGLE MEMBER OF THE ENTIRE COMMITTEE OPPOSED COOKE'S ENDORSEMENT. 6.) I have never attacked either Tommasone or Signore personally. I have disagreed with some of their policies. I have questioned their ability to prioritize, and to execute the town's business...and I think justifiably so. If Steve and/or other Conservatives outside of the Committee felt that we endorsed the wrong candidate, they should have filed an Opportunity to Ballot petition - just as we always have when the Committee fails to endorse conservative candidates. They are aware of this option, and simply didn't bother. 7.) papa IS Clueless 8.) You have me confused with Diane Marco - she gets the credit for naming Buchanan "Howdy Doody". I have always preferred "The Little Leprechaun", myself. I am not aligned with him...I am aligned with the hundreds of Conservatives in this occupied county who have been exploited by current and past "leaders" of the Conservative Party.
I have been reading these posts so I recently joined this forum.
Lets set the record straight and stop all this misleading bulls^%t.
First of all Mertz/Buchanan are mortal enemies of Pasquerallo/Hamiltons.
Second most of the people on here posting to this thread are the Mertz/Buchanan crew.
Third Buchanan hates Hamilton/Pasquerello so much he aligned himself, his people and lawyers with Gadfly.
Fourth Gadfly appears to have some very deep psychological issues as shown in her constant name calling of other people posting here like papanetta as well as her jaded past.
Fifth anyone with an ounce of common sense would distance themselves from Gadfly and crew due to irrational fanatic behaviors that are more like PETA activist than Conservatives.
This is nothing more than another well executed publicity stunt that will fall on deaf ears.
Second most of the people on here posting to this thread are the Mertz/Buchanan crew.
Hey...let me set 'my record' straight! I do not belong to any 'crew'. I happen to have voted for and like Mertz. However...I do not like Buchanan as the republican chair.
The truth is that the conservs were taken over by Pacarella/Hamiton and crew which clearly appears to have been done for their own personal motives. Are you suggesting they remain in control of our local conserv party? Or is it just gadfly you have an issue with?
When the INSANE are running the ASYLUM In individuals, insanity is rare; but in groups, parties, nations and epochs, it is the rule. -- Friedrich Nietzsche
“How fortunate for those in power that people never think.” Adolph Hitler
I have been reading these posts so I recently joined this forum.
Lets set the record straight and stop all this misleading bulls^%t.
First of all Mertz/Buchanan are mortal enemies of Pasquerallo/Hamiltons.
Second most of the people on here posting to this thread are the Mertz/Buchanan crew.
Third Buchanan hates Hamilton/Pasquerello so much he aligned himself, his people and lawyers with Gadfly.
Fourth Gadfly appears to have some very deep psychological issues as shown in her constant name calling of other people posting here like papanetta as well as her jaded past.
Fifth anyone with an ounce of common sense would distance themselves from Gadfly and crew due to irrational fanatic behaviors that are more like PETA activist than Conservatives.
This is nothing more than another well executed publicity stunt that will fall on deaf ears.
I see another one of our Board Members has joined this forum. Did you really join this forum because you were actually reading it and felt the need to "enlighten" us all, or did the papa and the Captain ask you to help support their desperate arguments? The only "misleading bulls^%t" on this thread is coming from the current leadership of the Conservative Party and/or their supporters. I don't see the point in reminding us that Mertz/ Buchanan hate Hamilton/Pascarella-everybody knows that. If it makes you feel any better, Buchanan hates us too...and Hamilton and Pascarella know it. Hardly a basis on which to "align" himself with us. I didn't realize we had a psychologist on the Board...thanks for letting me know that as-needed labeling of a single, anonymous poster who is obviously clueless, or at least pretends to be, indicates "very deep psychological issues". Will there be a charge for that? And do we have to tell the forum members who pays you, and how much? What is so irrational about returning the Conservative Party to its rightful owners? Oh, that's right, YOU think it's irrational. WE think it is a novel idea! And if you really thought that idea was falling on deaf ears, you wouldn't be engaged in these desperate attempts to mislead, and to defend your betrayal of rank and file members of the Conservative Party.
First of all Mertz/Buchanan are mortal enemies of Pasquerallo/Hamiltons.
Third Buchanan hates Hamilton/Pasquerello so much he aligned himself, his people and lawyers with Gadfly.
Mr. Doe
You did a very good job pointing out the fact that the current Conservative Party leadership is controlled by people that let personal vendettas cloud their decision making. Not being able to endorse candidates for whom they have a personal axes to grind. Even if that candidates ideology reflects the majority of registered Conservatives.
That gives even more of a reason for those misrepresented conservatives, to take back and redirect the Conservative Party.
Hamilton/Pasquerello need to find another vehicle in which to carry out their personal vendetta's.
Conservatives and the Conservative Party do not need to be pawns in this game.