I travel Highbridge every day when I visit my mom at Kingsway rehab. There was a traffic tie up by the Cumberland Farms and noticed the trucks and back hoe there. I was wondering what they were doing, and now I know!
Rotterdam order to boil water expected to lift ROTTERDAM — Town officials expect to lift a boil-water advisory for the Highbridge Road neighborhood this morning, once lab tests determine no problems arose from a main break Monday. Highway Superintendent James Longo said the water main ruptured near a sewer main Monday afternoon. He said the boil-water advisory was a precaution. “It’s more of a preventive measure than anything else,” he said Tuesday. “We didn’t want to take a chance.” Longo said the break occurred in the same general area as a line break four years ago when workers attempting to fix a leaking pipe clipped an inaccurately mapped sewer line. The 2003 break released raw sewage into the water and prompted town officials to shut off water to the area for two days. Longo said the most recent break didn’t affect the sewer line and has since been repaired. He said the broken pipe, which supplies thousands of users, likely resulted from road vibrations. Officials from the Mohonasen Central School District also took measures in response to the advisory. The district covered water fountains at the Pinewood Elementary School — the only Mohonasen building under the advisory — as a precaution Tuesday. The district will also use disposable cafeteria trays and utensils until the advisory is lifted, school officials said.