Beware of the latest 'threat' to U.S. naval ships First published: Thursday, January 17, 2008
Anyone older than 40 looks at the recent "threat" to U.S. naval ships with a jaundiced eye.
A Democratic president, Lyndon Johnson, conned the American public with a "staged" attack in the Gulf of Tonkin. With the current President's track record with the truth, I am forced to look at the current "provocation" with so many reservations that I might be thought of as a cynic. As far as the current resident of 1600 Pennsylvania Ave., I must say that he has hardly known the truth. Look at his record in Iraq! If he wants a war with Iran, let him get an army of his own and go for it after his term is over. Do not be conned by this latest "threat" in the Straits of Hormuz; many have said that he wants a war with Iran, too. Congress, beware. MICHAEL J. McGRAW Troy
Talk Radio Network's Michael Savage recently announced his position and beliefs with regards to Iran on air during, The Michael Savage Show. Once again Savage has become instrumental in making changes and spreading the word about national events that others may avoid. Often called controversial, Savage continues to freely speak his mind on the airwaves.
If your party were likely to lose a presidential election, what would be your best strategy? Strike fear into the voters by demonizing an enemy, plan and carry out an attack before the election, and label anyone who disagrees as unpatriotic. Fear generally favors keeping the incumbent party in power. This is the current Bush administration plan. Their strategy to garner support is clever — using Democratic members of the House and Senate to sponsor legislation that authorizes Bush to initiate a blockade of Iran without United Nations authority. Such a blockade would essentially be an overt act of war. Any threatening response by Iran would be the perfect excuse to attack Iran. Currently the Pentagon and U.S. intelligence agencies are intensifying plans for a possible major air attack. Polls consistently show most Americans want negotiations with Iran to resolve the nuclear dispute. But here’s what the Bush administration doesn’t want Americans to know: There’s an offer on the table that could resolve the dispute over Iran’s nukes and allow both sides to claim victory, but the U.S. government is walking away from it. If you want war with Iran, you don’t need to do anything. Democratic Reps. Michael McNulty and Kirsten Gillibrand are co-sponsors of Resolution 362 in the House that demands the president initiate a naval embargo on Iran. An act of war. A crime against peace. If you don’t want war with Iran, ask your representative to vote against Resolution 362. Tell them to support the plan presented by Thomas Pickering, former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations. This plan proposes that Iran’s efforts to produce enriched uranium be conducted on a multilateral basis, that is, be jointly managed and operated on Iranian soil by a consortium including Iran and other governments. Iran’s U.N. ambassador has proposed the United Nations begin negotiations on a similar plan. If you want more details about U.S. plans for Iran, Google “preparing the battlefield” and “House RES 362.” FRANK SCHEIB Niskayuna