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April 11, 2015, 9:20am Report to Moderator

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here we go...  


Work at the Jay Street fire scene across from City Hall finished Friday, and it appears the city might have to foot a majority of demolition costs because the owner of one of the buildings apparently didn’t have insurance. Jackson Demolition of Schenectady demolished the buildings at 100-102 and 104 Jay St. at a cost of about $434,000. Although the buildings are gone, the landlords still own their respective properties. The city paid for the ...
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April 11, 2015, 12:09pm Report to Moderator

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HOW can the owner not have insurance if there are tenants? The city requires insurance on multi unit apts.  
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April 11, 2015, 12:52pm Report to Moderator
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Quoted from rpforpres
HOW can the owner not have insurance if there are tenants? The city requires insurance on multi unit apts.  

Sadly it's because this mayor and his administation are so wrapped up in catering to Galesi and their other millionaire cronies downtown that they are totally ignoring the needs of the taxpayers' in the city.  

Again, the following is the LAW so why did this mayor and his code people and legal people FAIL BIG TIME by not making sure that the city is named on insurance or bond?  

The owner of 100-102 bought the buidling only September 2012.   So let's hear what this quack and unqualified mayor says about inspection records after this building changed ownership in 2012.  McCarthy won't say a word about that.  

Why is this QUACK, UNQUALIFIED mayor REFUSING to tell the taxpayers why HE FAILED to make certain the buidlind had insurnace AND that it was up to date.  DUH!!!!   As the law mandates the city be named as a certificate holder, how about this QUACK AND UNQUALIFIED MAYOR answer to the taxpayers as to WHY neither HE, nor his legal staff took action when the insurnace either was not put in force (upon change in ownership) OR the owner had it but let it lapse.

When one fails to pay the premium on their auto insurance or you change companies, the insurance company notifies DMV which in turn contacts you for proof of insurance (in case you have changed companies).  DMV is not a certificate holder on your insurance, but the idea is the same.  When the city is listed as a certificate holder, then the city would be notified when the owner allows the insurance to lapse or cancels the policy or makes changes.  So what is the record of those notifications.  What does the QUACK McCarthy say about the status of that?

"Shhhhh" McCarthy says, it's only the taxpayers' money.  Has ths UNQUALIFIED MAYOR went after Popolizio's assets  yet to repay the taxpayers for the demolition costs from that building on Eastern Ave?

Quoted Text
Buildings with 10 or more rental units.
[Added 4-8-2013 by Ord. No. 2013-14]

(1)    The owner of a building with 10 or more rental units may choose to apply for a rental certificate which shall be valid for 12 months from the date of issuance. Said application shall be on forms created by the office of the Building Inspector and shall request whatever information is deemed necessary. Upon submission of said application, the applicant shall also provide proof that a bond in the sum of $75,000 has been filed with the Finance Department. This bond is conditioned to indemnify and save harmless the City against all forms of damage and losses which may result from a fire or other catastrophic loss at the building which could cause the City to demolish or maintain the building. The bond requirement will be waived if the owner produces proof of at least $75,000 in fire insurance and names the City of Schenectady as a certificate holder on said policy. Said policy of insurance shall remain in full force and effect for the full period specified in the rental certificate.

Optimists close their eyes and pretend problems are non existent.  
Better to have open eyes, see the truths, acknowledge the negatives, and
speak up for the people rather than the politicos and their rich cronies.
Private Message Reply: 2 - 11
April 11, 2015, 1:10pm Report to Moderator
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Quoted Text
“One building had insurance, and the other building didn’t,” he said. “There will be negotiations or legal actions in regards to the money we spent for the demo. We may have to take legal action to try to recover that.”

Just more LIES from the QUACK UNQUALIFIED mayor.   Just like the QUACK FAILED to take any legal action against slumlord Popolizio after that fire and the struggling homeowners had to pay for the demolition of that one.

Optimists close their eyes and pretend problems are non existent.  
Better to have open eyes, see the truths, acknowledge the negatives, and
speak up for the people rather than the politicos and their rich cronies.
Private Message Reply: 3 - 11
April 11, 2015, 2:38pm Report to Moderator
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homeowners are required to have house insurance......you mean they can get away with not having a responsibility????

how absurd and disgraceful to have these kinds of scumbags own proeprty in the city ...while others are paying top notch insurance premiums..

government stinks...from top to bottom.....also fire code LAWS have to be updated....forget this "grandfather" poop..2015 2015.......wake up lawmakers.
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April 11, 2015, 4:32pm Report to Moderator
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Quoted from Patches

homeowners are required to have house insurance......you mean they can get away with not having a responsibility????

Insurance isnt required if you dont have a morgage.

Oneida Elementary K-2  Yates 3-6
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April 11, 2015, 6:45pm Report to Moderator

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Quoted from Sombody

Insurance isnt required if you dont have a morgage.

correct....YET the law office threatened me years ago when they were on thier big "need everyones phone number and personal insurance info"for everyone who owned rental property in the city...i was told that they could and might require all rental propertys to carry insurance {i had/still have insurance but as i dont rent my extra apartment i did not feel they needed to know anything about my insurance info or my phone number}

must be they forgot to update with the city....
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April 11, 2015, 7:20pm Report to Moderator
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My underststanding is that a house that you own and live in does not, by any municipal code, require homeowners insurance.  However, I would take a bet that vast majority of people who are mortgage free would have insurance on the house that they actually live in.

Then my understanding is that all non-owner occupied rental properties require insurance as a mandate by the city, regardless if there is a mortgage or not, and reading the codes shows that the city must be named on the insurance policy so that costs, such as demolition after a fire, would be paid by the owners insurance rather than the city.   But of course, we see that the city, under the CURRENT UNQUALIFIED mayor has done NOTHING to abide by it's own laws and take the time to make sure these places have insurance in effect.

This one is slightly off topic, but while we know that the unqualified city leadership never went after Popolizio to reimburse the city taxpayers for the demolition cost of that building of his on Eastern & McClellan, was there ever a cause of that fire determined?  I don't think so.  

Optimists close their eyes and pretend problems are non existent.  
Better to have open eyes, see the truths, acknowledge the negatives, and
speak up for the people rather than the politicos and their rich cronies.
Private Message Reply: 7 - 11
April 12, 2015, 5:56pm Report to Moderator
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you still have to have insurance even if your house is paid off.......
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April 12, 2015, 5:56pm Report to Moderator
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you still have to have insurance even if your house is paid off.......
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April 12, 2015, 7:16pm Report to Moderator

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Quoted from Patches

you still have to have insurance even if your house is paid off.......

Is that a state or local law?

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April 12, 2015, 8:26pm Report to Moderator

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Quoted from Patches

you still have to have insurance even if your house is paid off.......


You are under no legal obligation to have insurance if you outright own your home.

However, if you make certain improvements, such as a swimming pool, you might be required by your town/city to have homeowners liability insurance. Or if your running a business out of your home you might be required to have insurance. Or if you belong to a Homeowners Association.

Stuff like that.

"Approval ratings go up and down for various reasons... An example is the high post 911 support for
GWB even though he could be said to be responsible for the event." --- Box A Rox '9/11 Truther'

Melania is a bimbo... she is there to look at, not to listen to. --- Box A Rox and his 'War on Women'

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