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Cops execute unarmed man - GRAPHIC!
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Box A Rox
May 24, 2013, 12:37pm Report to Moderator

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Quoted from CICERO

Well, we know the cop was armed.  He did fire shots, he did take the gun out of his holster.  I guess it can be disputed whether he pulled the gun before or after the veteran started shooting.

Btw...I never assumed the cop was at fault.  I just suggested that maybe the veteran felt his life was threatened by the actions of the cop.  You were not able to see the cop either, but yet you assume he did nothing that caused the veteran to feel his life was threatened.

Yup. But I did see plenty of actions that would make the cop, or anyone else, think the shooter was about
to shoot at them.

I just watched the London cops shoot the beheaders.
Watch it and I'm sure you will agree that the police caused the shooting.  No one was shot or even
shot at till the police arrived... SO IT MUST BE THE COPS FAULT!  

The modern conservative is engaged in one of man's oldest exercises in moral
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Private Message Reply: 30 - 88
May 24, 2013, 12:52pm Report to Moderator

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Quoted from Box A Rox

Yup. But I did see plenty of actions that would make the cop, or anyone else, think the shooter was about
to shoot at them.

I just watched the London cops shoot the beheaders.
Watch it and I'm sure you will agree that the police caused the shooting.  No one was shot or even
shot at till the police arrived... SO IT MUST BE THE COPS FAULT!  

I understand your position, you make it crystal clear...There are no actions a cop can take that would ever justify a citizen to defend themselves with lethal force.  A citizen can protect themselves from another citizen using lethal force, cops can protect themselves from a citizen using lethal force,  cops can protect themselvs from another cop using lethal force(Doner).  BUT...A citizen can NEVER protect themelves from a costumed government agent using lethal force.  Not only is it a crime to do so, but it is a crime more egregious than if the lethal force was used against the common citizen.  

It must be true what they say...There are cops, and everybody else is just a perp.

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Private Message Reply: 31 - 88
May 24, 2013, 1:11pm Report to Moderator

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Again if the 1st video was black gang members box wouldn't trust the whole group, he wouldn't say oh there is only a few bad apples in that gang, but since the police are the ones doing the beatings and killings he tries to find a way to justify it.

"In the beginning of a change, the Patriot is a scarce man, brave, hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds, however, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a Patriot."

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Private Message Reply: 32 - 88
May 24, 2013, 1:28pm Report to Moderator

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Quoted from Henry
Again if the 1st video was black gang members box wouldn't trust the whole group, he wouldn't say oh there is only a few bad apples in that gang, but since the police are the ones doing the beatings and killings he tries to find a way to justify it.

Yup, just like ALL OATHKEEPERS are violent anarchists, or all members of the John Birch Society are plotting to take over the government, and if you support any of their views, you can't be trusted.  Cops on the other hand, they are mostly good people with a few bad ones mixed in.  Don't judge them based on the actions of the bad ones, just because they took the same oath and wear a UNIFORM.

Box wants to keep believing that it is ok for government to distrust all the citizens because of the few bad apples, but the citizens cannot distrust all of the government for their bad apples.  

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Private Message Reply: 33 - 88
May 24, 2013, 1:33pm Report to Moderator
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Quoted from CICERO

Box wants to keep believing that it is ok for government to distrust all the citizens because of the few bad apples, but the citizens cannot distrust all of the government for their bad apples.  

Sheople like Boxy are what the government and cops pray for!! It's the gift that keeps on giving!

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In individuals, insanity is rare; but in groups, parties, nations and epochs, it is the rule. -- Friedrich Nietzsche

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Private Message Reply: 34 - 88
Box A Rox
May 24, 2013, 4:00pm Report to Moderator

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So did any of you see the Terrible London Cops who, for no apparent reason, shot the two Beheaders???

There was no shooting going on till the cops got there, so it MUST be the cops fault.  More Police Brutality!

The modern conservative is engaged in one of man's oldest exercises in moral
philosophy; that is, the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness.

John Kenneth Galbraith

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Private Message Reply: 35 - 88
May 24, 2013, 5:13pm Report to Moderator

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Quoted from Box A Rox
So did any of you see the Terrible London Cops who, for no apparent reason, shot the two Beheaders???

There was no shooting going on till the cops got there, so it MUST be the cops fault.  More Police Brutality!

Straw man?

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Private Message Reply: 36 - 88
Box A Rox
May 24, 2013, 5:41pm Report to Moderator

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Quoted from Box A Rox
So did any of you see the Terrible London Cops who, for no apparent reason, shot the two Beheaders???

There was no shooting going on till the cops got there, so it MUST be the cops fault.  More Police Brutality!

Quoted from CICERO

Straw man?

Really? Did I misrepresent your position??? Do you look at London's police force differently than the
US force???

I thought I captured the exact same issues in the London attack as in the video posted.

The modern conservative is engaged in one of man's oldest exercises in moral
philosophy; that is, the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness.

John Kenneth Galbraith

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Private Message Reply: 37 - 88
May 24, 2013, 6:06pm Report to Moderator

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Quoted from Box A Rox

I thought I captured the exact same issues in the London attack as in the video posted.

Same exact huh?  The video shows police detaining a man for speeding on a rural road.  In England, London cops were called to a crime scene with a freshly decapitated body laying in a city street, and two men covered with blood and one man carrying a bloody meat cleaver and pistol in his hands.

Yup, identical circumstances.  My fault..  

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Private Message Reply: 38 - 88
May 25, 2013, 4:02am Report to Moderator

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Here is video of the 2 suspects shot, I believe the suspect on the bottom may have shot at them, he is clearly pointing the pistol they had at the officers. The guy on top was just inches away from the officers with a cleaver, box trying to link the 2 is a joke. These 2 men stuck around the scene and wanted to die and from reports it took the police over 15 minutes to respond, they even had time to do a damn interview as to why they just cut off a persons head

"In the beginning of a change, the Patriot is a scarce man, brave, hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds, however, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a Patriot."

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Private Message Reply: 39 - 88
May 25, 2013, 4:33am Report to Moderator

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Quoted Text
The UK has some of the toughest gun control laws in the world. If you want to own a gun, it is very difficult to do so.

In short, it has been designed to put as many barriers in the way as possible and to assume the worst, rather than hope for the best.

Too bad one of the law abiding citizens wasn't carrying.
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Private Message Reply: 40 - 88
Box A Rox
May 25, 2013, 5:12am Report to Moderator

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Quoted from rpforpres

Too bad one of the law abiding citizens wasn't carrying.

Yea if the "law abiding" citizens of England were carrying like here in the USA...

Homicide rate in Great Britain 0.04
Homicide rate in the USA       3.60

If only they could 'carry' in Great Britain.

The modern conservative is engaged in one of man's oldest exercises in moral
philosophy; that is, the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness.

John Kenneth Galbraith

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Private Message Reply: 41 - 88
May 25, 2013, 5:31am Report to Moderator

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Quoted from Box A Rox

Yea if the "law abiding" citizens of England were carrying like here in the USA...

Homicide rate in Great Britain 0.04
Homicide rate in the USA       3.60

If only they could 'carry' in Great Britain.

Ahhh...box pointing out the collective good of disarming citizens.  Collective statistics to convince individuals to give up their right to personal safety.

I'm sure the decapitated man laying in the London street is glad he didn't have a gun to protect himself.  After all, if he did, he may have shot and killed his attackers and increased the UK's gun crime statistics.  You can't be a selfish individual and be concerned about your personal safety, you have to sacrifice your right to protect yourself for the good of the collective.  Even if it means giving up your life, the collective is more important than you.

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Private Message Reply: 42 - 88
Box A Rox
May 25, 2013, 5:34am Report to Moderator

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Quoted from CICERO

Ahhh...box pointing out the collective good of disarming citizens.  Collective statistics to convince individuals to give up their right to personal safety.

I'm sure the decapitated man laying in the London street is glad he didn't have a gun to protect himself.  After all, if he did, he may have shot and killed his attackers and increased the UK's gun crime statistics.  You can't be a selfish individual and be concerned about your personal safety, you have to sacrifice your right to protect yourself for the good of the collective.  Even if it means giving up your life, the collective is more important than you.

Cic is confused again... Where did I ever promote "DISARMING CITIZENS" other than criminals and the
mentally ill?

The modern conservative is engaged in one of man's oldest exercises in moral
philosophy; that is, the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness.

John Kenneth Galbraith

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Private Message Reply: 43 - 88
May 25, 2013, 5:40am Report to Moderator

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Quoted from Box A Rox

Cic is confused again... Where did I ever promote "DISARMING CITIZENS" other than criminals and the
mentally ill?

you just mocked law abiding citizens for being armed by comparing us to the disarmed England, another box fail.

Quoted Text
Yea if the "law abiding" citizens of England were carrying like here in the USA...

Homicide rate in Great Britain 0.04
Homicide rate in the USA       3.60

If only they could 'carry' in Great Britain.

By the way box the killers were armed with a gun, tell me again how great England's gun laws are, idiot

"In the beginning of a change, the Patriot is a scarce man, brave, hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds, however, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a Patriot."

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Private Message Reply: 44 - 88
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