Apparently NPR claims this is the GOP because "Hitler's birfday" is in April.
"While Foreign Terrorists were plotting to murder and maim using homemade bombs in Boston, Democrap officials in Washington DC, Albany and here were busy watching ME and other law abiding American Citizens who are gun owners and taxpayers, in an effort to blame the nation's lack of security on US so that they could have a political scapegoat."
When the INSANE are running the ASYLUM In individuals, insanity is rare; but in groups, parties, nations and epochs, it is the rule. -- Friedrich Nietzsche
“How fortunate for those in power that people never think.” Adolph Hitler
The Boston Marathon False Flag Terror Attack Used to Divert Away From a Major Bomshell? Posted on April 18, 2013 by The Watchdog
There always been cover stories of incidents to divert attention away from something that can bring down the power structure. We seen Syria accused of Chemical attacks was used when Cyprus government was stealing money out of people’s bank accounts. The North Korean saber rattling to divert the hearing of the US Government stealing private pension funds went flat when it was revealed the US Government and the North Korean Government has private talks the month before.
When September 11th happened when the two planes crashed into the World Trade center, the attacks on the Pentagon and the Crash of Flight 93 in Shanksville, PA. The day before 9-11, the Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld was questioned about 3 trillion dollars missing from the Pentagon pension funds. That next day diverted attention away from the scandal of missing funds. President Bill Clinton launched missiles at an aspirin factory in Sudan to divert attention from Monica Lewinsky’s testimony in the President’s Impeachment trial. Terror attacks and wars have been used to divert attention away from a damning news and evidence.
Even though the US Senate had key legislation of Gun Control, CISPA and Amnesty for Illegal Immigrants. There is something more damning that can bring down the Obama Administration.
Dr. Steve Piecznic revealed that President Obama, Former President Bush and Clinton with all their operative have been indicted for war crime of Torture since September 11. Could this bring down the Neo Con war mongers like Carl Rove, Condelisa Rice, Colon Powell, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld and the commanders carrying out torture. President Bush admitted he would order torture again if he had to do it all over. Even though PFC England was convicted rightly so for her actions as a solider for following illegal orders. George Bush, President Obama, Clinton and their minions should share a jail cell with Lindy England since they gave the order to torture inmates who were innocent.
Dr Piecznic is a very credible source who has served many Presidents with intelligence and been part of many events around the world including the Camp David Accord. He knows the inside scoop not privy to may people in Washington DC.
The bombing of the Boston Marathon was not just an excuse to further the Police State stripping more of our rights. It was not just used to divert attention away from the activity in Congress. It was also used to divert attention away from damning news story of President Obama, Bush and Clinton of crimes against humanity.
False flags are used by corrupt government to save face when their back are against the wall politically in hot water. They stage an attack to accomplish many things like advancing a political agenda based on fear and to divert attention away from scandals that can do political damage to the leadership.
The revelation of operatives by multiple pictures and footage proving the government is behind it all and not the work of Christian and Gun Owners. Lets hope that that false flag operations will be one less tool they can not use anymore against us.
When the INSANE are running the ASYLUM In individuals, insanity is rare; but in groups, parties, nations and epochs, it is the rule. -- Friedrich Nietzsche
“How fortunate for those in power that people never think.” Adolph Hitler
Bumbler never met a conspiracy that he didn't adopt on sight!
The modern conservative is engaged in one of man's oldest exercises in moral philosophy; that is, the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness. John Kenneth Galbraith
The modern conservative is engaged in one of man's oldest exercises in moral philosophy; that is, the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness. John Kenneth Galbraith
Luckily all of this area was a gun-free zone. Box cries for his Muzzie friends today and those on the main stream media who were praying to Gaia that this would be a tobacco chewing, NRA loving white man from the countryside.
Muzzies. Open immigration to those that hate us and our way of life.
While the insane left was busy opening doors and paying full rides to MIT for animals from other nations who HATE us, they were simultaneously turning American brother against brother, harassing veterans, white people and accusing gun-owners and Republicans of being the cause of all evil in America. F you. We will never be united as a nation while you suckle foreign terrorists at your saggy teet and try to criminalize and scapegoat ME.
I am an American first. You hate Americans and want Americans to be blamed for all of your liberal faults and all of the violence. I will never back down to you terrorist-lovers. You are just as good as those that you protect. I have witnessed this mentality for 30 years and it gets more insane by the day. The left wants nothing short of America's death. I will not sit back so you can shred the constitution and give comfort to foreign terrorists. I am not ceding my rights to you on any level, let alone the right to self defense.
Apparently I was right, and you were wrong. It sucks today to be NPR or ABCCBSNBCCNNMSNBC. Too bad the plan to scapegoat half of America did not go as planned. You scheme to divide America will certainly continue, yet it will not succeed as long as there are Americans left to stand up to the bullies like you and JoeBox ( like Lee Oswald, he proudly proclaims his Leatherneck status) who call for our disarming.
"While Foreign Terrorists were plotting to murder and maim using homemade bombs in Boston, Democrap officials in Washington DC, Albany and here were busy watching ME and other law abiding American Citizens who are gun owners and taxpayers, in an effort to blame the nation's lack of security on US so that they could have a political scapegoat."
Robin Young who is a liberal leftist Boston MSM journo (GOVERNMENT FUNDED NPR), just tweeted that Islamic child-murderer Dzhokhar Tsarnave was a "beautiful boy"
"While Foreign Terrorists were plotting to murder and maim using homemade bombs in Boston, Democrap officials in Washington DC, Albany and here were busy watching ME and other law abiding American Citizens who are gun owners and taxpayers, in an effort to blame the nation's lack of security on US so that they could have a political scapegoat."
Here is your Eurasian Muzzie, liberals. You own him, democraps. Suck on that, democraps. Open immigration and visas from every turd-world nation in order to up the democrap vote tally. He got all he could get from America and then like a savage and rabid dog- returned to his Islamic roots and bit his adopting host nation, leaving a vicious wound. But keep hounding Americans and accusing us of being the enemy. Keep it up. Keep vilifying vets, and white people who mind their own business. Keep scapegoating the producers and those that own firearms as their birthright allows. Keep going down that road, you scum.
I wonder if that is his "pressure cooker" in the background.
"While Foreign Terrorists were plotting to murder and maim using homemade bombs in Boston, Democrap officials in Washington DC, Albany and here were busy watching ME and other law abiding American Citizens who are gun owners and taxpayers, in an effort to blame the nation's lack of security on US so that they could have a political scapegoat."
The bombers were not members of Seal Team 3 and wasn't part of a grand government conspiracy? You mean they are Islamic Terrorists?
As far as I'm concerned, senders and bumble have lost all credibility and I have now classified them as RADICAL RETARDS
Only retards would think that someone would wear their unit emblem and/or colors while planting bombs at a nationally televised event. Only radical retards would think our military would do this.
Go die in a fire.
"Approval ratings go up and down for various reasons... An example is the high post 911 support for GWB even though he could be said to be responsible for the event." --- Box A Rox '9/11 Truther'
Melania is a bimbo... she is there to look at, not to listen to. --- Box A Rox and his 'War on Women'
Instead of an NRA shirt, the latest villain has a LEFT WING HERO SHIRT! VIVA CHE, HUH BOX AND JOEBX?
And it was only yesterday NPR was holding out hope that it would be a redneck 'domestic' terrorist!!!! WOW, SUCK ON IT DEMOCRAPS!
"While Foreign Terrorists were plotting to murder and maim using homemade bombs in Boston, Democrap officials in Washington DC, Albany and here were busy watching ME and other law abiding American Citizens who are gun owners and taxpayers, in an effort to blame the nation's lack of security on US so that they could have a political scapegoat."