[b][/b]Recently on a cable 'opinion' show I heard a San Francisco 'civil rights' attorney & a conservative lawyer going at it. In the course of debate the civil rights attorney mentioned we have "equal protection under the law". Further down the road in the conversation the 'equal' thing was negated by "protected class". Reminds me of stories of blacks in the old south & Jews in Nazi Germany. In Soviet Russia they were cuter about it, "we are all equal but some more equal than others". In the August 8th Gazette I read "Deadly shooting at Sikh temple tied to hate music", the article dealt with how law enforcement, Homeland Security, FBI, ATF, alphabet law enforcement was dealing with these groups. My question; How about all those Afro-American music groups pouring out hate & vulgarities meant to corrupt the young. Did the New Black Panthers who obstructed voters or put death contracts out on a man in Florida listen to black hate music? I bet they did & they were influenced. Does law enforcement & civil rights industry expend as much effort on observing the black hate groups as they do the white hate groups? I do not want to believe that the Department Of Justice has as policy to look the other way when it is black on white hate. Little in life is black & white with the possible exception of the DOJ policy. I posed these question to lawyers recently. They told me the 'equal' thing is debated still in law school. As for the 'hate group' issue, that was more policy than law. I guess what goes on in the DOJ is black & white. Who can argue that the Obama administration has not set race relations in America back? Politics based on race, color, creed is destructive. Look at pre Civil War America, 'Northern' Ireland (occupied counties), the Middle East, India (Hindu) Vs Pakistan (Muslim) & Muslim sects in the mideast at one another's throat & of course "post racial" America today. America use to be a nation of laws, now we are governed by policy dictated by protected classes. I prefer the law way! |