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NISKAYUNA Guidelines spur town to cut fluoride in water Tooth spotting blamed on high levels of chemical BY STEVEN COOK Gazette Reporter Reach Gazette reporter Steven Cook at 395-3122 or
Niskayuna has reduced the amount of fluoride in its water in response to concerns from some residents and new proposed federal guidelines, town Supervisor Joe Landry said. The move amounts to about a 20 percent reduction in the amount of the cavity-fighting chemical put in the town’s water, but is still within state recommendations, offi cials said. Landry cited the new federal proposal, out in January, in helping the town decide to lower the level. The federal proposal notes an increase in fl uoride-caused spotting on children’s teeth. The spotting is caused by too much fl uoride. The proposed recommendations take into account an increased availability of fl uoride elsewhere, including toothpaste, according to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Town officials began talking about the issue after residents commented at town meetings, Landry said. The levels have been reduced to 0.8 milligrams per liter from the previous 1.0 milligrams per liter, according to Richard Pollock, Niskayuna’s superintendent of water and sewer. The federal proposal would take that level down to 0.7 milligrams per liter. ...................>>>>....................>>>>....................