The end of the middle class is near when people cannot unionize in order to help level the playing field against the greed. That is a well documented fact that no one disputes and when you have so many working families and young single mothers attempting to make ends meet then you need to protect them.
The problem with Unions is they soon become corrupt internally, and end up being a political entity that is of primary importance , with its worker members becoming secondary.
BTW, I am middle class and one had one job that required I become a union member. I agree Unions in the first half of the 20th century provided benefits that I reap today. But there main purpose has passed. Now, they contribute to government waste...proof of point. A Schenectady investigator is retiring at 47 with a full pension of $97.000 .. he is retiring to become chief of Police in Scotia with a Salary of 90K. That kind of double dipping should not be allowed, but was negotiated through union contracts.
"Arguing with liberals is like playing chess with a pigeon; no matter how good I am at chess, the pigeon is just going to knock out the pieces, crap on the board, and strut around like it is victorious." - Author Unknown
The end of the middle class is near when people cannot unionize in order to help level the playing field against the greed. That is a well documented fact that no one disputes and when you have so many working families and young single mothers attempting to make ends meet then you need to protect them.
The modern conservative is engaged in one of man's oldest exercises in moral philosophy; that is, the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness. John Kenneth Galbraith
Why aren't these GREAT union leader and union workers out there creating jobs helping reduce America's unemployment? Instead of Verizon workers picketing, maybe they should pool their money, take a risk, and start a business. Then if they do succeed, we will see how benevolent they are to their employee as the employer.
Why aren't these GREAT union leader and union workers out there creating jobs helping reduce America's unemployment? Instead of Verizon workers picketing, maybe they should pool their money, take a risk, and start a business. Then if they do succeed, we will see how benevolent they are to their employee as the employer.
· An eight hour workday · A five day work week · Paid sick days, vacation days, and holidays · Family and medical leave · Health, life, and disability insurance · A pension · Safe and healthy working conditions · Proper job training
The modern conservative is engaged in one of man's oldest exercises in moral philosophy; that is, the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness. John Kenneth Galbraith
· An eight hour workday · A five day work week · Paid sick days, vacation days, and holidays · Family and medical leave · Health, life, and disability insurance · A pension · Safe and healthy working conditions · Proper job training . 10% Unemployment . Outsourced Manufacturing . Out of control state pensions . Outrageous School taxes and poor results THEN THANK A UNION MEMBER.
The end of the middle class is near when people cannot unionize in order to help level the playing field against the greed. That is a well documented fact that no one disputes and when you have so many working families and young single mothers attempting to make ends meet then you need to protect them.
the playing field will NEVER be level.....greed is genetic and we are like rats in a cage that we blame someone else for building... our elected aren't grown in a vacuum.... are a product of your environment, your environment is a product of your priorities, your priorities are a product of you......
The replacement of morality and conscience with law produces a deadly paradox.
· An eight hour workday · A five day work week · Paid sick days, vacation days, and holidays · Family and medical leave · Health, life, and disability insurance · A pension · Safe and healthy working conditions · Proper job training
and dont forget about the lazy a** sitting next to you that wont pull their weight and really doesn't have to because the union has 'protections for workers'.... are a product of your environment, your environment is a product of your priorities, your priorities are a product of you......
The replacement of morality and conscience with law produces a deadly paradox.
unions are good and did their one ever said unions were bad when they started out....the problem is that they dont tow the line now... they have become stale bread at the alter and political puppets/votes...shame shame shame sham sham sham...
They call it keeping things steady and working smoothly...until they get ruffled and their gangsta leaders want more....and government unions are the worst at future planning as are the elected 'leaders' at future planning....the unions are like smoke screens to cover the ineptness and thievery of those we expect to trim the fat, stay out of our personal business and stop being equalizers of things folks should be garnering on their own....
there's a WHOLE generation that has no idea the feeling, the brotherhood, reason for etc of unions----BECAUSE THEY WEREN'T THERE....they just think the unions and their corruption is 'how it's supposed to be as long as I get mine, I dont care what they do no matter how manipulated and corrupt they are'.....
the removal of personal responsibility to hold one's position as an individual is a bad thing....I cant hold your job for you and you cant hold my job for me...nor should a person be prevented from doing their best because the rest of the crew say so,,,,,talk about bullies and dumb asses... are a product of your environment, your environment is a product of your priorities, your priorities are a product of you......
The replacement of morality and conscience with law produces a deadly paradox.