Obama lies about Auschwitz for political gain Given how obnoxious the media was to Clinton about the RFK remark - how about you bozo Obama a** kissers at CNN (except Lou Dobbs) and MSNBC go after THE LORD OBAMA for this Whopper:
Ya know why the media won't hold Obama to account for this despicable piece of campaign trash talk - lying about the Holocaust to get votes - ???
Because they are wussy cowards beholden to the same lobbyists and Big Corporations that have paid this jackasse's way all along.
Even his body language telegraphs he's bullshitting.
The Soviets liberated Auschwitz.
OLBERMANN WHERE'S THE SPECIAL COMMENT NOW? - You cowardly little wuss. posted by John: south of Melrose at Tuesday, May 27, 2008 PERMALINK